Welcome to my weight loss journey!

I am 32, wife, mom of twins, 3rd grade teacher, and FAT! I'm tired of being fat, so I'm using this as an outlet, and hoping that someone will read it and hold me accountable as I lose this weight!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Okay so I knew this was going to be hard, and I knew that it was going to be really tough, but WOW!  Its not so much the workout that are tough, or even changing my food habits...its the finding time for the working out that I am really struggling with.  I have last 6 pounds so far, but then gained 1 back yesterday...UGH!!  So I'm headed to an even stricter diet, which will be tough for me....but my new mantra is "Nothing tastes as good as SKINNY feels".  So I will have be reminding myself of that a lot!!!!

Here are a few things I've realized so far in my almost 2 week journey:
1.  I REALLY hate to run!  Speedwalking is totally my style, even workout videos, but NOT running!!
2.  4:30am and I are not friends and never will be!!
3.  Trying to find a balance between teacher, Mommy, Wife, and workout goddess is impossible right now :(  It doesn't matter how early I put the kids to bed, or how early I go to bed, I can't get up early and work out in the morning.  But then by the time I get home I've missed the babies so much and they've missed me that I don't want to leave them again to head to the gym, and I can't work out at home...because once I'm seen by McKinley its over.  She is def  a momma's girl and has to be held once I get home, or the meltdowns in sue.

So needless to say I'm having a really hard time trying to find a balance.  What must give?  Planning time at school?  Quality time with the twinnies?  Sleep?  I just don't know how to balance it all!  I can see why people give up so easily, and I can totally see why working moms have the hardest job in the world!

I'm not going to give up, I'm going to find balance, and I'm going to find the time somewhere, anywhere, to workout because it is a priority so I just have to fit it in somewhere....something's gotta give!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 2

Wow, I'm totally blown away by all the love and support shown by my family and friends....y'all are the greatest and I know that with your encouragement and accountability, I can achieve this goal!

Today, day 2, has been great!  My amazing husband, Marc, has decided to join me on the new plan, and so he has been walking/jogging with me every afternoon (so far) and wants to continue too!  The twinnies are loving their new jogging stroller as well, so that helps too!  They really love all the sights and sounds that our neighborhood provides, and have been enjoying a nice afternoon nap along the ride too :)

So, day 2, here's what you've already shown me....
   I LOVE how I feel when I get home from the 1.25 track we have discovered in our neighborhood.  The line from one of my favorite movies, Legally Blonde, "Endorphins make you happy..." was totally right!  Even after 2 days, I can already feel myself feeling better.  I have already begun to cut out bad things from my diet....like sodas and sweets.  Be nice to be over the next few days as I will be dealing with a migraine from the caffeine withdrawal, but it is totally worth it!  I need to be free from the caffeine and the 2day migraine is just the price I will have to pay!
  I'm already down 1.5 pounds in 2 days....just from the walking and small diet changes!  Imagine what I can do at this rate!!!  I'm excited for the prospect, and even more excited for the photo shoot when its all done....thanks to Narci Dreffs!!!

Well I have screaming babies and a healthy dinner to make....so see ya again soon!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Getting started...

Hello there!  My name is Megan, I am 32, a wife to an amazing husband, mother to twins, a 3rd grade teacher, and FAT!  There, I had to say it and get it out there.  I AM FAT!  I have been fat most of my life, and have hated being fat, but have never done anything about it, until NOW! I am currently the heaviest I've ever been, weighing in at a whopping 294 pounds.  Yikes, I've never admitted my weight to anyone, not even my dear husband, but I have to get it out there, be honest, or I will never do anything about it!

For as long as I can remember, I always said, "Oh I will start that running plan/diet/exercise plan/etc tomorrow." Well TODAY is that tomorrow.  I'm so tired of hiding my weight behind ugly clothes...I mean let's face it, the skinnier you are, the more options you have for clothing, and I love clothes!  I love to shop, but even my weight has taken the joy out of that because nothing fits well when you are fat.  There is always something sticking out, or too tight in areas, and so on.  So I'm done being the way I am.  I need to get healthy for me, I need to get healthy for my twinnies, and I need to get healthy for my husband so we can grow old together like we've always planned.  I waited a long time to find the right guy, and I'm not going to lose him because of my health.  I don't want this weight to tie me down, keep me away from, or most importantly, keep me from being truly happy.  I am a happy person, but that's because I'm an excellent hider/liar.  I don't like to go anywhere alone, as I feel I am judged and the world is looking at me as a "fat girl, no wonder she's alone...she's FAT!"  So enough for the excuses, enough for the judgements (most that are in my head), and enough already of the weight!   I am starting the Couch to 5K program today.  I know that it won't be easy, and that I probably will never love to run, but dammit, I'm going to do it!  I look at those around me who are getting skinny, making better choices, and losing the weight and always wish that was me...well here I go!  That WILL be me!  I know it won't happen over night, I know it won't be a quick fix, but I also know that I can do it.

So here's what I need from you, whoever you are, that is reading this.  I need some encouragement, I need accountability, and most of all I need your support.  I know this is going to be a tough, and sometimes horrible road ahead of me, but I'm up for it.  Game ON!  I plan to lose 150 pounds total, but first I'm aiming for 75 this year.  So by the time 2013 rings in, I will be at least 75 pounds down.   That may sound like a HUGE goal, but come on, they do it on Biggest Loser and I want to be a BIG LOSER!!

So here I go....starting weight...294 pounds.