Welcome to my weight loss journey!

I am 32, wife, mom of twins, 3rd grade teacher, and FAT! I'm tired of being fat, so I'm using this as an outlet, and hoping that someone will read it and hold me accountable as I lose this weight!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 2

Wow, I'm totally blown away by all the love and support shown by my family and friends....y'all are the greatest and I know that with your encouragement and accountability, I can achieve this goal!

Today, day 2, has been great!  My amazing husband, Marc, has decided to join me on the new plan, and so he has been walking/jogging with me every afternoon (so far) and wants to continue too!  The twinnies are loving their new jogging stroller as well, so that helps too!  They really love all the sights and sounds that our neighborhood provides, and have been enjoying a nice afternoon nap along the ride too :)

So, day 2, here's what you've already shown me....
   I LOVE how I feel when I get home from the 1.25 track we have discovered in our neighborhood.  The line from one of my favorite movies, Legally Blonde, "Endorphins make you happy..." was totally right!  Even after 2 days, I can already feel myself feeling better.  I have already begun to cut out bad things from my diet....like sodas and sweets.  Be nice to be over the next few days as I will be dealing with a migraine from the caffeine withdrawal, but it is totally worth it!  I need to be free from the caffeine and the 2day migraine is just the price I will have to pay!
  I'm already down 1.5 pounds in 2 days....just from the walking and small diet changes!  Imagine what I can do at this rate!!!  I'm excited for the prospect, and even more excited for the photo shoot when its all done....thanks to Narci Dreffs!!!

Well I have screaming babies and a healthy dinner to make....so see ya again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Those "little changes" in your diet will make a "big" difference. Proud of you Megan!
